
  • Anđelka Tripković University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Tanja Vujović University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Peko Nikčević University of Priština, Faculty of Arts, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia


art economy, art market, marketing, entrepreneurial skills, student attitudes


The insufficient development of the art market with the increasing demands of the modern art scene, unfortunately, indicates the personal and professional shortcomings of just graduated students of the Faculty of Arts. These problems do not only concern competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities, but also reflect the unwillingness of students to "tackle" with the great challenges they were not targeted during their studies. The task of an artist is to be innovative and to prove himself in market struggles, which today requires strong self-marketing and mastering entrepreneurial skills. These two abilities are exactly what is missing in education of staff at the faculties of art. Namely, it is necessary for study programs at faculty of arts to be enriched with subjects that are being studied at the faculties of economics, such as marketing, event management, entrepreneurship, business negotiation and market communication, etc. In this way, students at these faculties will adopt the attitude that no artwork has a purpose if there is no audience, while at the same time acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills and will be trained to explore the market, recognize the needs of the target audience, analyze and predict competition activities, organize art events, communicate with end users in a way to ensure their long-term loyalty. All of this can result in training future graduates and master visual artists, drama and audiovisual artists, music artists or designers, to design their art projects after graduation, present their artwork to potential purchaser, learn more about copyright protection, and most importantly, to be able to plan, implement, communicate and deliver concerts, performances and exhibitions on their own. The valorization of a work of art consequently depends on the placement of that work on the market. The consumer or enjoyer of art must feel and experience a piece of art, and to experience it, must be available on the market. The synergy of economics and art has always been the topic of interest of numerous practitioners and theorists who persistently try to find the answer to the question: how can one artist offer art expressions through his work, while at the same time economizing it? The basic hypothesis from which the authors start is that young unaffirmated artists must be trained for the art market while still studying, and good (pre)knowledge, reorganization of study programs and the mutual connection between economics and art can enable them to engage in creative work with the help of marketing and entrepreneurial skills. The research process in this work is aimed at surveying students of the Faculty of Arts, University of Priština with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica through a non-standardized questionnaire on the necessity of the introduction of economic subjects at the faculties of arts.


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How to Cite

Tripković, A., Vujović, T., & Nikčević, P. (2021). SYNERGY OF ECONOMY AND ART AS A STARTING BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ART MARKETS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(4), 757–762. Retrieved from