
  • Diyana Andonova University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria


motivation, learning activity, learning motivation, learning process


The transition that every child goes through from preschool age to the school regime is an important
process of adjustment. The educational activity replaces the leading activity in the kindergarten - the game.
Therefore, adaptation to learning is an important process for perceiving the learning activity without tension.
For young students, it is a difficulty, because it does not develop by itself, but in a process of organized learning,
with gradual assimilation of its components.
The full formation of the educational activity depends on the cognitive motivation of the student.
In this article, the problem of increasing student motivation as a major factor affecting their success is considered.
A number of authors consider the motivation to learn as a process in which knowledge is replenished in adolescents
and certain intellectual skills and habits are mastered.
Studying the motivation for learning, its structure and functioning on three levels should be taken into account -
readiness for different situations, formation of strategies for adaptation to the living environment, determination of
motivation for learning from cognitive functioning.
The process of forming motivation should become an essential part of the teacher's work, as properly organized
work can encourage the student to learn, to achieve the main educational goal.
In pedagogical psychology, the problem of motivation is leading, but also very difficult to measure.
There are various motives in the educational activity, which very often exchange their roles - cognitive, stimulating,
The task of the teacher to create motivation is difficult given the nature of the various motives and the specificity of
the students' motivational sphere.
There are different factors that influence motivation - external and internal:
- external - the impact of teachers, parents;
- internal – the desire to learn, the desire to upgrade knowledge.
Given the different factors and motives, the teacher should use different means, forms and methods to create
students' interest and desire to learn new knowledge.
This generation is growing up in a technical environment and the possibilities of technology must be actively used in
the learning activity as a serious factor affecting the motivation of students.


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How to Cite

Andonova, D. (2022). MOTIVATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 275–279. Retrieved from

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