
  • Lidjia Kamcheva – Panova UGD, Faculty of Philology – Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Slavica Pilatova Municipal Primary School “Goce Delcev” Shtip, North Macedonia


gifted students, primary education, condition


Giftedness is a concept that often provokes discussions and a concept that cannot be easily and simply defined. There is still no concrete definition that will describe giftedness in its entirety. Gifted students and their teaching have always been interesting for analysis by those involved in education. However, one of the basic problems in the teaching process in our schools is the still present traditional method of learning and teaching, which does not allow a different approach to the differences that are visible among students despite the commitments that are written on paper.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted Decree 1248 of 1994, which reaffirms education as a basic human right, and believes that education should, to the greatest extent, suit each individual. The educational system must be organized in such a way as to provide adequate education for a larger number of children, but there will always be children with special programs. One group of such children are exceptional children. According to this Decree, no country can allow itself to waste the gifted and talented, and not to identify intellectual and other potential in time because this would mean the loss of its own human resources.
The education and upbringing of gifted students become a problem within the framework of mass education and globalization. Gifted students have special abilities in certain areas, but most of the time are not engaged in the right way. In addition to this, excessive teaching content, and overloading of students within subjects leads to fatigue, self-doubt and loss of motivation.
In this paper, we want to analyze the existing legal procedures and opportunities for working with such students, and the possibility of their identification and evaluation. That is, let’s see the condition of such students as well as their treatment in schools and the opportunities offered by the educational process in the Republic of North Macedonia and see if there is or is not a sufficiently operationalized system of measures, activities, procedures that are aimed at the gifted and talented students.


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How to Cite

Kamcheva – Panova, L., & Pilatova, S. (2023). THE CONDITION OF GIFTED STUDENTS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(2), 269–274. Retrieved from

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