
  • Lidija Kamcheva – Panova UGD, Faculty of philology – Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Zoran Mitev PMS ,, Goce Delchev”- Shtip, North Macedonia


teachers, profession, reputation, social status


“The teachers are important”, is the title of the report by OECD (OECD, 2005) for 2005. In this report
there is wide range of evidences which explain that the quality of teachers is one of the most important factor
influencing student achievement. The teachers, as integral part of the educational system, are the main leaders of the
educational reforms.
Despite the poor material situation and inadequate working conditions, the teachers are open for changes, a desire to
be involved in the modern world, as well as willingness to engage in this reform processes.
Although the teaching profession is one of the most responsible in the society and yet the teachers are not
sufficiently awarded neither with respect nor well paid. The beauty of the teaching profession still exist today
because working with children is a privilege. The main aim in the educational researches is the social status of the
teachers. In the report of 1997 by ILO/UNESCO shows the state of the teaching profession and its social status
which is still actual today.
Teachers today have got more responsibilities than ever that is why the society has got greater expectations of them
and puts a lot of pressure on their profession.
The purpose of the research is to get the teachers’ opinion about their social reputation of their profession, their
social status. In addition, we aim to see the teachers’ perception regarding their financial motivation whether they
are content of the presented image of their profession by the media in RNM.
The tasks of this research are: To examine the attitude of teachers about the social reputation of their profession and
the social status; To examine the opinion of teachers about their financial motivation; To examine the opinion of
teachers on how they and their profession are portrayed by the media.
In the research, primary and secondary teachers were included from 5 elementary central schools and 3 satellite
schools in Shtip. According to the content of research 16 teachers from each school were included, 8 schools from
1st to 5th grade teachers and 8 schools from 6th to 9th grade teachers by random choice. The total number of
respondents is 128 of which: 80 teachers are from the central schools and 48 teachers are from the satellite schools.


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How to Cite

Kamcheva – Panova, L., & Mitev, Z. (2022). THE TEACHERS` OPINION FOR THE REPUTATION OF THEIR PROFESSION AND THEIR SOCIAL STATUS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 315–319. Retrieved from