humanization, class community classAbstract
Upbringing enables people to live, gives them knowledge, forms habits and skills, develops abilities, builds human qualities, socializes man, humanizes him, it enriches him in value and helps him to make sense of life. Upbringing in the spirit of humanism implies love, care and nursing for man, awareness of obligations, duties and tasks to him, friendship, solidarity, as well as the fight for his rights and equality. About humanism writes even Cicero, implying "the highest cultural - ethical development" of man. Humanism is the foundation of morality, and for an ideal it has the man and the human. From humanism derive all other moral principles.
Humanistic upbringing aims to stimulate the process of self-actualization of the individual, developing feelings of self-worth and a positive self- image, encouraging the development of authenticity and originality and thus creating own composition of values. The humanistic upbringing aims also at the adoption of a certain composition of social values which enables the individual to realize his efforts for his own actualization. Humanistic upbringing means: upbringing for a positive self-image, upbringing for human relationship between women and men, upbringing for human rights. According to the principles of primary education in the Republic of North Macedonia, primary education is developed on the basis of: the best interest and complete development of the student; equality, accessibility, accessibility and inclusiveness; promoting similarities and accepting diversity, interculturality , multiculturalism, interculturalism and multiculturality, etc. The concept of primary education (March 2021) relies on inclusiveness, gender sensitivity / equality and interculturalism as key principles and is directly related to the National standards for primary education which give the directions towards which the entire organization and realization of educational the educational process in primary schools.
Our goal in this paper is to see how, through the curriculum and program contents in the handbook "Life skills education" and through the focused observation of the class community, teachers have the opportunity and perspective to act on the humanization of students. The research was done on a larger scale, covering more schools from urban and rural areas. However, here we will highlight a small part of this research.
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