
  • Zoran Mitev Municipal Primary School “Goce Delcev” Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Trajce Dimova Municipal Primary School “Goce Delcev” Shtip, North Macedonia


inclusion, individual educational plan, inclusive team for the student, principal


Inclusive education, which penetrates into our educational process, allows meeting the various needs of children, students by providing access and increasing their presence in school, thereby increasing their access to acquiring more extensive knowledge. It includes a reasonable adjustment of the educational contents, appropriate teaching approaches and strategies, as well as organization of the educational process in general. Inclusive education implies that all children are included and accepted with special attention to children who may remain on the margins, discriminated against or excluded from the educational system.The school principal is the one who, with his governance and management should provide conditions for active and productive participation in school and extracurricular activities of all students. It implies the creation of an appropriate educational environment in which the learning of children/students with special educational needs will take place.The formation of inclusive teams is the principal's task, which is prescribed in the Law on primary education. Namely, he is in charge of forming the school inclusive team (SIT) and the inclusive student team (IST).They have different roles, but they are also connected, that is, SIT designs and implements the activities at the level of the whole school, and IST focuses on working with a specific student, drawing up and implementing an individual educational plan made for him. The subject of research will be the role of the principal as a supporter at IST. The subject will be investigated from the following aspects: views of members of SIT and IST on the role of the principal as a supporter and views of members of SIT and IST on the management of the principal to improve conditions in the school for students with IEP.


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How to Cite

Mitev, Z., & Dimova, T. (2023). THE PRINCIPAL AS A SUPPORTER OF THE STUDENT’S INCLUSIVE TEAM IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(2), 275–279. Retrieved from