Covid 19, childhood, symptoms, pandemy, SARS-CoV-2Abstract
At the beginning of 2020 the World has been attacked by a new unknown virus SARS-COV2, who causes a disease named Covid 19. This viral agent affects mostly the Respiratory system as well as all other organs and systems. The disease has become a great challenge to many different medical specialists, World Health Organization and reflected in the whole social and economic fields. Covid 19 spreads very rapidly all over the world and leads to unpredictable and unfavorable medical and social consequences. The pandemic process had a certain cycle course that made it possible to define same „waves” of pandemy. The fast viral mutation caused the appearance of new versions such as Delta and Omicron, which were more infectious and less susceptible to therapy. Those mutations changed the epidemic and clinical features of the disease and it affected all age groups even children. In the first and the second wave there were no or very few ill children. The following waves defeated adults and children too, which caused a serious embarrassment among pediatricians. It became evident that the morbidity, clinical course and possible complications were different in adults and children. The participation of young people in spreading of Covid 19 is not well studied yet. There is a great variety in the clinical course – children may be either asymptomatic or with heavy respiratory or systemic symptoms. Because of many asymptomatic young patients their participation in viral contamination is not discovered in details yet. Main symptoms in children demanding hospitalization include fever and weakness, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders with dehydratation, water and electrolyte imbalance. The disease may affect each organ and system such as Central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin and mucosa. It became evident that all periods in childhood can be affected – newborns, babies, children at nursery and kindergarten age, pupils and teenagers. The presence of some chronic diseases or risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, congenital heart failures, musculoskeletal abnormalities and neurological suffering may aggravate Covid 19 and determine its outcome.
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