
  • Kaloyana Krumova-Tsoncheva “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


Bulgarian folk dances, functional state, load


In recent years, we have witnessed a permanent presence of Bulgarian folklore, both in our lives and in the everyday life of teenagers. Bulgarian folk dances, with their variety of tempo, music, movements, rhythm, create an emotional basis for the educational process. Acting as a stimulus and the main irritant when mastering the movements, they contribute both to the creation of a musical and aesthetic taste in those involved, and to the improvement of their physical capacity.
Bulgarian folk hora and dances have a wide range of easily accessible dance elements and movements with different coordination difficulty for people with different physical and technical training. They help develop the motor apparatus, improve its functions, create prerequisites for the creation of new skills and habits. With their complex and coordinated movements and dance combinations, they contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities and assist in the development and improvement of a number of motor qualities. When playing, all muscle groups and joints are involved, the work of the heart improves. The constant practice of inhaling and exhaling improves breathing technique, improves the activity of the heart and circulatory system. During continuous dynamic play, even for a short time, pulse and respiratory rates can reach high values. Energy consumption increases. The intensity of the oxidation processes does not allow the accumulation of excess fat. The musculature has increased elasticity and quality, this also contributes to building a proper body posture.
During the preliminary studies conducted, we did not find any modern studies related to the study of functional load by monitoring the pulse rate during activities with folk people at different tempos of play.
The purpose of the research is to track the dynamics of the pulse frequency during the performance of Bulgarian folk dances of different tempo and dynamics


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How to Cite

Krumova-Tsoncheva, K. (2023). IMPACT OF BULGARIAN FOLK DANCE ACTIVITIES ON THE FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF THE PARTICIPANTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(5), 669–673. Retrieved from

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