
  • Kaloyana Krumova-Tsoncheva “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


mobile games, concentration, activity


Very often in the school education system, it is observed that students after physical education and sports classes are excited, especially when they have participated in games. The variety and wealth of motor activity of the mobile games have an emotional impact on the participants. Through their diverse means and organizational methods, mobile games have a psycho-emotional impact. The competition, single combat, mutual aid, the pursuit of personal expression applied in the game, contribute to building psycho-physical qualities.
From the conducted preliminary studies, we did not find modern studies related to the concentration and attention activity of students. Mobile games with their variety of means and methods are used in all parts of sports activities and are applicable and accessible to every age contingent.
The purpose of the research is to check how rational it is to include mobile games in the lesson and, more precisely, what is their effect on the concentration and activity of the students' attention.
We used Bourdon's test, a modification with Anfimov's correction table, which as a specific stimulus (literal text) is closest to students' daily activities.
We conducted the research during the academic year 2021-2022 with students aged 10-12 from primary schools in Veliko Tarnovo, R.Bulgaria. 48 cases were studied before and 48 cases after playing the games - a total of 96 cases.
For a more complete coverage and differentiation of mobile games, we classified them into IV groups: organizing, general preparatory, relay, quiet and fun games. We divided each group of games into several types: games with the participation of all at the same time, with alternating participation, sports-preparatory games, relay games with one-time participation and with additional movements. We examined one game of each type, for a total of 8 games. The duration of the studied games was within 4-5 min., average number of plays 3-4 times.
From the research, after studying a large number of studied cases and obtaining high values for statistical reliability, we can conclude that mobile games are a rational means of relaxation and activation of attention in those involved.


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Петкова, Мирослава, М. Алексиева (2013) . Игрите в началното училище. 2013, изд. Фабер, Велико Търново, 157 с., ISBN: 978-954-400-953-3, COBISS.BG-ID - 1258090212

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https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376599913_The_Impact_of_Mobile_Games_on_the_Education_System_A_Critical_Analysis, 2024

https://www.scribd.com/document/422784170/THE-EFFECTS-OF-MOBILE-GAMES-TOWARDS-ACADEMIC-PERFORMANCE-docx, 2024




How to Cite

Krumova-Tsoncheva, K. (2024). EFFECT OF MOBILE GAMES ON STUDENTS’ CONCENTRATION AND ATTENTION ACTIVITY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(2), 285–289. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6815

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