
  • Mima Nikolova Trakia University, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Albena Andonova Trakia University, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Silvia Kyuchukova Trakia University, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Teodora Todorova Trakia University, Republic of Bulgaria


model, communicative competence, professional competence, students, nurses


The globalizing society requires communication skills from the individual. The art of communication is of great importance in meeting the challenges of the complex times in which we live. The resulting changes in the goals of education in the world cause the need to form and develop the personality of each student, increase his professional competence. These skills must be developed in learners and especially in students. Communicative competence lies at the basis of complete personal development. It motivates interest in knowledge and professional growth, develops self respect and self confidence. A serious investment in a student's career development is the interpenetration of theory and practice in creating communication skills. The communicative readiness of students is manifested in the entire educational process, but especially vividly during an exam, when defending essays, coursework and projects, theses and in the conditions of scientific conferences, symposia and international forums, presentations, etc. This is achieved by injecting new content into its components. Information competence is a necessary condition for the development of professional competence, therefore this article presents a theoretically grounded model for its formation and development in nursing students. Its construction is in accordance with the purpose and tasks of the researched process. The components of the model are substantiated, which are three spheres
organizational, pragmatic and strategic. The specific principles, functions and approaches for compiling this model are separated, which are directly dependent on the expected result. The study of the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the information competence of the future specialist shows that the solution of the given problem is related to the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions. The students' attitudes towards increasing communicative competence have been studied. 145 nursing students were surveyed. Conclusions were made about the practical significance of the research and the possibility of implementing the obtained results.


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How to Cite

Nikolova, M., Andonova, A., Kyuchukova, S., & Todorova, T. (2023). A MODEL FOR THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF NURSING STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(4), 573–578. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6145

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