
  • Vance Bojkov University of Nis, Faculty of electronic engineering Nis, Serbia
  • Marieta Goceva New Bulgarian University - Sofia, Bulgaria


organization, management, individual, behavior


The subject of the behavior of the individual in the organization is increasingly relevant these days. The strict and responsible fulfillment of the set goals depends on the behavior of the person who changes his actions under the influence of external or internal factors. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, voluntary or involuntary.
Organizational behavior as a scientific field studies the enduring characteristics of human behavior and human communities from the perspective of organized labor and management. It is an interdisciplinary field dedicated both to the study and understanding of the causes, structure and dynamics of individual and group work behavior, as well as to the practice of its impact, its actual practical management. Organizational behavior is concerned with defining, understanding, expecting and controlling human behavior within the organization and its environment. The potential motivating or demotivating impact of all aspects of organizational behavior is subject to reconsideration from the perspective of desired changes in behavior. These aspects include organizational culture, formal and informal structures and relationships, interpersonal behavior, communications, management and leadership.
Individuality is an important factor and indicator expressing a particular and specific way of thinking of the person, emotional experience and behavior, which determine the unique attitude towards the environment and the personal self. Of particular importance in determining individuality are abilities and intelligence. An object of understandable attention is the behavior of the individual in the organization and the determinants of responsible organizational behavior. Organizational behavior seeks to provide practically useful tools for behavioral analysis at several levels. The behavioral process takes place in several dimensions, each with its own function.
Each management approach also has motivational dimensions, because both activities are directly or indirectly related to the behavior of the organization's members. Managing organizational behavior includes both general and specific functions that must be performed by effective leaders. The specific approaches and techniques they use should reflect both the cultural specificity and the specific situation. The effectiveness of the modern manager is associated with style and influence tactics in the management of organizational behavior.


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How to Cite

Bojkov, V., & Goceva, M. (2023). BEHAVIOR AS A FACTOR OF PERFORMANCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL IN THE ORGANIZATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(5), 1043–1048. Retrieved from

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