
  • Silviya Kyuchukova Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria
  • Albena Andonova Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria
  • Mima Nikolova Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria
  • Teodora Todorova Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria


active patient, students, training, medical practice


Medical pedagogy accepts the patient as the third essential element in the training process of students with medical specialties and even defines it as a "training tool". The connection and relations in communication between the patient and the student are based on: the academic preparation of the student / studied disciplines, such as medical ethics and deontology; health legislation and others /; the personal and value qualities of both communicators; level of education; race; age group; sexual orientation; property status, etc. An important point in this communication process is the patient's activity. The active patient has new demands to HMU training system and its participants.
In modern digital life, the widespread use of computerized devices and the easy access to any information make patients more demanding and persistent, as participants in their own treatment process. They are well aware of their rights and have high expectations.
Objective: To determine the place of the active patient in the process of training medical professionals.
Tasks: To consider the goal through the laws of medical pedagogy; To present the active patient as an attitude of medical students in the principle of good medical practice.
Conclusions: In order to be able to meet the increased requirements of the active patient in their work in direct clinical environment, it is imperative that students follow the principles established by: Medical ethics: of utilitarianism / the exact actions are those that have the best consequences /, of formalism / for human rights /, of justice; Good medical practice: confidentiality; accepting "second opinion"; collegiality; awareness of the health care value; partnership; Principles and rules established over time that must be successfully combined with the new digital reality and the demanding active patient.

Author Biographies

Silviya Kyuchukova, Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria

Department Health Care

Albena Andonova, Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria

Department Health Care

Mima Nikolova, Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria

Department Health Care

Teodora Todorova, Medical Faculty, Trakia University - Bulgaria

Department Health Care


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How to Cite

Kyuchukova, S., Andonova, A., Nikolova, M., & Todorova, T. (2024). THE ACTIVE PATIENT IN HMU TRAINING SYSTEM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(4), 550–555. Retrieved from

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