
  • Lidjia Kamcheva – Panova UGD, Faculty of Philology – Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Igor Stanojoski UGD, Faculty of Philology – Shtip, North Macedonia


AI, CHATGPT, students, learning


AI is already a big part of our lives. Artificial intelligence is all around us, and its use is widespread - from social networks, through educational technology, all the way to video games, innovative toys, better understanding of the natural languages, problem solving, automatic programming, because it is a complex of many disciplines which are interconnected.
Artificial intelligence will inevitably change the world, as well as the institutions, the educational system and forcing educational institutions to change.
Schools (primary, secondary and higher education institutions) have a key role in the use of artificial intelligence.
The most used AI model is the so-called ChatGPT model. Lately, more and more people are talking about the danger of AI in studying, its abuse, but in the academic community they are also talking about its application, which has a positive effect on students.
With this paper, our goal is to find out how much our students use AI, or more specifically the ChatGPT model.
The students of the Faculty of Philology – in the field of teaching, "Goce Delchev" University - Shtip will be surveyed. We will use a survey questionnaire, in order to see if our students use AI, how much they use it and what they use it for the most. This research will be a base and will be of great benefit to professors in changing the way of teaching, the choice of students' activities, as well as changing the way of evaluation.


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How to Cite

Kamcheva – Panova, L., & Stanojoski, I. (2024). THE USE OF AI, CHATGPT - THE STUDENT LEARNING MODEL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(2), 215–221. Retrieved from

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