
  • Milorad Stanić Serbian amusement park, elementary school, gymnasium, collegium and library "Nikola Tesla", Elementary school in Szeged
  • Tijana Stefanović Loznica High School of Economics


management, teaching process, modern technology, quality of education


Management of the teaching process in primary school is a key factor in ensuring quality education and overall development of students. Successful teaching management means planning, organizing, leading and controlling all activities related to teaching and learning. This paper deals with the analysis of the importance of the management of the teaching process, the roles and responsibilities of principals and teachers, as well as the best practices for improving teaching in primary schools. The most important aspects included in this paper include: The importance of the management of the teaching process, ensuring quality education in accordance with standards, supporting comprehensive development of students, improvement of teacher efficiency, increase of satisfaction of students, parents and teachers. Roles and responsibilities of the principal and teacher, the principal is responsible for planning, organizing, leading and controlling the teaching process, teachers are in charge of planning and teaching, evaluating students and their professional development. Best practices for improving the teaching process, using modern technology in teaching, implementing inclusive education, continuous training of teachers, cooperation with parents and the community, providing professional support to teachers. Management of the teaching process in elementary school is a complex, but extremely important task that directly affects the quality of education and student development. Successful management implies clearly defined roles and responsibilities, as well as the application of the most effective practices and strategies. Continuous improvement and innovations in teaching are key to achieving better results and the satisfaction of all participants in the educational process. Management of the teaching process in elementary school is a complex but extremely important activity that directly affects the quality of education and student development. Successful management implies clearly defined roles and responsibilities of principals and teachers, as well as the application of the most effective practices and strategies. Continuous improvement and innovations in teaching are key to achieving better results and the satisfaction of all participants in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Stanić, M., & Stefanović, T. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF THE TEACHING PROCESS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(2), 207–210. Retrieved from