IKM become a sponsor of Crossref

We would like to inform you that the Scientific Institute for Management and Knowledge from Skopje has recently become a sponsor in the world scientific database Crossref – https://www.crossref.org/ , thus acquiring the right to distribute the services and powers that are necessary to universities, faculties, research organizations and Institutes in the Balkans.

Some small organizations who want to register metadata for their research and participate in Crossref but are not able to join directly due to financial, administrative, or technical barriers can do it through our Institute. Our Institute work closely with Crossref in order to provide administrative, billing, technical, and—if applicable—language support, to the members. Confirmation of our sponsorship can be checked via https://www.crossref.org/membership/about-sponsors/

Our role as a Sponsor:

  • We work with organizations to enable them to be members of Crossref. This includes:
    • Managing the membership set-up and joining process in collaboration with the members and our staff.
    • Ensuring that organizations are clear about what they are agreeing to when becoming a Crossref member and joining Crossref through our Institute as their Sponsor.
    • Ensuring relevant contracts are completed by the member, that accurate information about members is sent to Crossref and kept up-to-date,
    • Sharing and explaining member-specific communications and changes, and helping members adapt to new processes or obligations related to Crossref services.
  • We perform checks to make sure that our members are not prohibited from joining Crossref due to OFAC sanctions.
  • We provide support for and promotion of Crossref activities and services. This includes being the first line of technical support for the members with whom we work, potentially providing training.
  • We communicate with Crossref staff in a timely manner.
  • We positively contribute to the reputation of Crossref and its inclusive mission, adhering to the code of conduct and best practice guidelines that protect and enhance other members of the Crossref community collectively.


Some of our services are only available to members – most of these services are included your membership but some involve an extra fee (marked *). We also offer a range of services free of charge to the scholarly community, with the option of premium service versions at an extra charge (marked ~) – more info at https://www.crossref.org/services/

  • Metadata retrieval (including Metadata Plus~)*
  • Content Registration
  • Reference linking
  • Cited-by
  • Funder Registry
  • Similarity Check*
  • Crossmark
  • Event Data