
  • Slobodan Stefanovic The academy of applied technical and preschool studies
  • Stefan Mladenovic The academy of applied technical and preschool studies
  • Aleksandar Gosic The academy of applied technical and preschool studies


vehicle maintenance, overhaul and maintenance, reengineering, maintenance improvement


The paper focuses on maintaining the working order of technical systems in JKP "Komunalne usluge" Aleksinac ". Maintaining the working order of technical systems in JKP "Komunalne usluge Aleksinac" is a key precondition for the realization of communal operations in optimal terms. A modern system for maintaining working order should ensure: high readiness, maximum reliability and productivity of technical systems. With the rational organization of technical service, the time for technical maintenance and overhaul is reduced by 8-12%, while the reliability increases by 20-28% and the productivity of technical systems increases by 34-36%. Technological exploitation, no matter how properly and carefully carried out, can be performed only up to a certain, economically justified period, the length of which depends on the physical condition, ie. wear and tear of machine elements and its moral obsolescence. Today, a very large number of machines work in the world and a very large number of vehicles operate, for the exploitation and maintenance of which huge sums of money are spent. Operation, maintenance and overhaul of such a machine park require a wide network of service and repair companies and a significant stock of spare parts, which the industry should produce, trade, and service and repair companies to store and use for maintenance and repair of machines, vehicles and engines. during their lifetime. Complex technical systems are usually handled by specially trained operators, and maintenance is entrusted to professional staff who perform maintenance procedures systematically. On the other hand, mechanization in JKP "Komunalne usluge" Aleksinac, belongs to very complex technical systems, but they are characterized by a certain specificity in operation and maintenance, in relation to technical systems used in other industries. Also, very different modes of exploitation in terms of load and number of revolutions, different climatic conditions and areas in which PUC funds are used, ie. different environmental conditions, very different individual abilities of the operator of these technical systems, indicate a wide range of possible malfunctions, as well as the consequences that they can cause. All this makes the exploitation and maintenance of funds in JKP "Komunalne usluge" Aleksinac very complex and complex processes whose analysis requires an approach from several different aspects. The importance of the organization of vehicle maintenance is multiple, because the impact of the organization of these processes is reflected in many ways on the organization of the traffic process, on traffic safety and its economy. These impacts can be as follows: through the dynamics of repairs, through the quality of repairs and through the prices of repairs. The dynamics of repairs of means of transport must be harmonized with the timetable and technical work plan, so that the repair is performed at a time and within a period that will not disrupt the normal flow of the traffic process. According to the timetable, ie work plan, the use of transport capacities is determined, and on the basis of traffic organization and repair plan and other elements, the planned work fleet of vehicles is determined (number of cars in traffic process), number of vehicles in repair, time of their departure. on repair, retention time and time of exit from repair. The quality of repairs can have multiple effects on the traffic process, and the quality of repairs depends on whether the vehicle will be excluded from traffic less or more often in order to go to the repair. The paper presents the goals of the maintenance system and alternative possibilities for achieving the goal

Author Biographies

Slobodan Stefanovic, The academy of applied technical and preschool studies

Department of Vranje

Stefan Mladenovic, The academy of applied technical and preschool studies

Department of Vranje

Aleksandar Gosic, The academy of applied technical and preschool studies

Department of Vranje


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How to Cite

Stefanovic, S., Mladenovic, S., & Gosic, A. (2021). VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - SUBSYSTEM WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF THE TRANSPORT COMPANY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(3), 565–570. Retrieved from

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