
  • Ivana Erić Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tijana Milanović Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Zdravka Petković Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Radica Jovanović Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Serbia


innovation in education, sustainable development, Chat GTP


The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the importance of incorporating innovation in education as a crucial aspect of sustainable development. Education is a fundamental right for all individuals and plays a vital role in their development. The continual acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, driven by advancements in science and practical achievements, are essential for sustainable development. It serves as a valuable framework for achieving economic, social, and ecological progress in national economies. The author's objective is to integrate various theoretical concepts of innovation in education, particularly those related to artificial intelligence, with a focus on Chat GPT. The paper also examines the positive and negative implications of using these innovations. Empirical research was conducted on a sample of 124 undergraduates and master's students, using primary data sources. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, and the Mann Whitney U test. The findings indicate that a significant percentage of students utilize Chat GPT, not only for writing papers but also for generating new knowledge. The use of Chat GPT varies based on the respondents' level of study and gender. This study's results can contribute to identify areas in education that require innovation and potential strategies for motivating students to utilize artificial intelligence in generating new knowledge.


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How to Cite

Erić, I., Milanović, T., Petković, Z., & Jovanović, R. (2024). INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AS THE BASIS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(2), 199–205. Retrieved from

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