
  • Kamelia Bogdanova Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of public health
  • Dimitrina Milikina Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of public health


intensive departments, management, health care, Covid-19


Anesthesiology and intensive care is a separate specialty and an important section of clinical medicine. Public attention to it has been growing, especially in recent decades, when it has targeted to patients with life-threatening disorders of basic vital functions. The activity of the medical staff in the intensive care departments is determined by the principle of continuity of observations, care and treatment. The quality of health care in the intensive care departments, and in general, is directly related to the efficiency and quality of their management, which in turn depends on the training and management skills of head and senior nurses, as well as the professional skills of staff. The skills of managers in planning, organizing, targeting and controlling financial, human and material resources determine the healthcare quality and effectiveness, which is an important condition for the sustainable development of the healthcare establishments in terms of competition and market economy. Intensive care is developed only in highly specialized wards and clinics, where the methods of intensive observation (monitoring), replacement of breathing and circulatory support (hemodynamics) are applied to bring the patient out of critical condition. All this is especially relevant in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and is a serious challenge for modern society, gives new challenges to health professionals and requires adequate organization of health care in hospital departments. The purpose of this study is to analyze the organization of health care in the intensive care unit of hospitals and to determine the main directions for improving their quality and effectiveness in the epidemiological situation of Covid-19. The study is based on a direct individual survey and covers 120 nurses working in intensive care departments. The results show that the quality of health care in the intensive care departments depends on the effective organization of work in the epidemiological situation and requires the provision of safe working conditions and continuous training of managers and health professionals in accordance with modern challenges. Medical establishments must provide conditions for training the healthcare managers and staff to work in an epidemiological environment, as well as a favorable working environment with appropriate financial and moral satisfaction. In this way, the effectiveness of work organization and safety will be ensured as a basis for improving the quality of health care.


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How to Cite

Bogdanova, K., & Milikina, D. (2021). HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT IN INTENSIVE DEPARTMENTS IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION OF COVID-19. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 629–636. Retrieved from

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